Sunday, November 8, 2009

Seeing An Old Friend

My daughter and I went to visit my mother today and Mom suggested that we get Subway for lunch. Not that all of their selections are healthy, but we split a well-behaved sub that was quite tasty.

When I was trying to decide toppings, a man leaned over to me and said Excuse me, do I know you? Maybe, I said, and gave my maiden name. In a couple of seconds we had placed each other and were both so delighted to see each other.

So many years had passed, but there was this middle-aged man connecting with this middle-aged woman who felt like she was 16 again in his eyes. Man, we had some good times during those high school years when we worked together at the diner. Not that I remember them much. It still amazes me that there are such wonderful people who come into your life that you forget all about until you see them again.

Anyway, I felt good about myself that I was 9 lbs lighter and somewhat brighter than I was this time last month.

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